
Lots of useful and interesting information about CHIA, cryptocurrency, farming, the present and future of the crypto industry



Chia VDF Competition Guide

Chia Network recently launched a three month long competition to create faster implementations of our proofs of time and get a better handle on its security requirements. The Verifiable Delay Function Competition (VDF, aka proof of time) is open to anyone, has $100,000 in total prize money, and is r

Tháng mười một 7, 2018

The ASIC Resistance of Proof of Space

A recent podcast speculated quite a bit about the economics of Chia Network’s new proof of space and time consensus algorithm. Let’s discuss the assertion that there are optimizations in storage technology allow for the creation of specialized Chia farming hardware that costs an order of magni

Tháng sáu 11, 2018

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